
The NDCF serves as a hybrid knowledge hub for decision makers, officials (both public and private), civil society figures and interested public on global matters that may concern the Alliance, its countries and its partners.

Usually this can be done in a variety of ways: support for research fellows from NATO nations, sponsoring colloquia, workshops, speakers and symposia as well as sharing resources, websites and information.

Where the Foundation wants to make a difference is through high-level international conferences that are relevant not in mere terms of public communication, but for those decision makers who need to find a structured space and time to think ahead.

NATO thus becomes a conceptual pivot that allows to explore issues and opportunities over-the-horizon, avoiding old nostalgias and taking fully into account the new shift away from Western Europe and the North Atlantic "strictu sensu". Change can be the precursor of new spaces of collective freedom and well-being.

Whereas conferences are climaxes of emerging new political orientations, our Strategic Trends and our specialised and tailored training intend to be the foundation for strategic awareness.

NCDF Activities

Conferences' records

Future programmes

Past activities